ELTF CU Archive
ELTF CU, within the framework of the administrative agenda and requests from citizens in matters of confirmation of study period, obtaining copies of state final exam certificates, extracts from study plans and extracts of study results, equips graduates and students on the basis of a written request.
The application must be sent to the postal address of ELTF CU, Bartókova 8, 811 02 Bratislava or by e-mail to the address: mokosova(at)
All applications must contain the following information:
- name and surname
- birth surname
- date and place of birth
- the faculty where the applicant studied
- year of graduation
- the reason for the application
- the postal address to which the requested statement of study results must be sent
Fees for issuing documents are paid by the applicant in accordance with the current directive of the rector of Comenius University in Bratislava, which determines the amount of tuition and fees associated with studying at Comenius University in Bratislava, in the current academic year.
Identification data of the recipient:
IBAN: SK22 8180 0000 0070 0008 4613
Variable symbol: 159
Enter the applicant's surname in the message for the recipient.
Name and address of the intermediary bank: Štátna pokladnica, Radlinského 23, 810 05 Bratislava
Name of recipient: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Evanjelická bohoslovecká fakulta, Bartókova 8, 811 02 Bratislava
Graduates of ELTF CU
You can view the list of persons who have been awarded an academic degree at the EBF UK in Bratislava since 1991 at the following link.