The ELTF CU in Bratislava continues with its activities the more than 400-year-old tradition of evangelical lutheran theological education in Slovakia. Its activity is primarily connected with the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia. The importance of ELTF CU in Bratislava goes beyond the borders of the Slovak Republic. This is confirmed by numerous contacts with partners in Europe and the USA. The position of the faculty in the context of the Central European region is confirmed by our students coming from Serbia, Slovenia, Romania and the Czech Republic (Silesia). Our work and mission is based on the foundations of Luther's Reformation. We build on values such as personal responsibility and critical thinking. We enter into an open dialogue on the confessional, religious and social level. We gradually place higher and higher demands on our students, while we value their hard work. We are a progressive academic institution and at the same time the only evangelical lutheran faculty in Slovakia.